A master steward of high performance and the human experience.
an executive coach, keynote speaker,
and partner at NOVUS GLOBAL. I’m on the faculty as a trainer and coach at the Meta Performance Institute for Coaching where I train people how to coach and build a thriving practice.
My drive for MASTERY draws in Fortune 500 companies, CEO's at rapidly growing startups and award winning producers and writers in the entertainment industry.
It’s my firebrand for LIMITLESS GROWTH and my ability to disrupt assumptions that keeps them coming back.

What we really long for IS
High performers underestimate what they are truly capable of.
I show them that they are capable of more than they could have ever thought possible and their brains break.
I start by exposing the lie that change is only possible by finding the “right answer.” I disrupt non-resourceful beliefs and systems to launch you into your highest impact.
The truth is, it’s entering into the blend of risk, vulnerability, and messiness that produces unthinkable return.
How to Create a Thrilling Vision for Yourself & Your Team
We have found that most leaders and teams are vastly underestimating what they’re capable of. So how do you become masterful at setting a vision that’s worth going after? How do you know when you’re playing small? Our favorite definition of vision is ‘a picture of the future that creates passion within you’. This keynote will give you the ability to craft a vision that you’re excited about and mindset shifts to go after it.
The Invisible Forces That Prevent Candor & Collaboration
Why is it so hard to have difficult or uncomfortable conversations with my colleagues? Is it possible to create a culture where we move TOWARDS feedback rather than AWAY from it? This engaging keynote is powerful and gives leaders and teams an understanding of what gets in the way of hard conversations. You and your team will leave with tools and frameworks to identify and navigate through the most common pitfalls and blindspots preventing candor and collaboration.